Only two months behind here. But I'm signing on to share more exciting news! Thanks to Title V/PPOHA's commitment to ocelot conservation
TEN GPS collars will be arriving at the beginning of December! That's right, you heard it correctly! TEN COLLARS!
This will only be the second time that GPS collars have been used in ocelot research. We will be able to gain insight into how ocelots move across the landscape in ways we never have before.
So three cheers to the people who have made this possible!
And I wouldn't leave you without a photograph. We're rodent trapping again on Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge (gotta learn stuff about what ocelots eat), so here are some photos of us in the field.

Fulvous harvest mouse (
Reithrodontomys fulvescens), 3 days old

On cold mornings, some of them need a little warming up, so they get a ride in the pocket

And then there are the other residents of the refuge. Diamond rattlesnake (
Crotalus atrox)